JADE Hanna Surveyors - DeKalb, Kane, Kendall, Will & DuPage Counties, IL Land Surveyor

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Survey Services & Sample Plats

Boundary Surveys

A boundary survey investigates and evaluates major factors affecting the location of boundary lines. A legal description should be furnished by the client or agent, unless otherwise jointly agreed upon. This service will establish or re-establish the extent of title lines and to identify and monument a specific land area with well recognized points of reference.

ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys

Title Insurance Companies are members of the American Land Title Association (ALTA) and have specific needs, unique to title insurance matters. When asked to insure title to land, many matters might be discoverable from survey and inspections, and some which are not evidenced by the public records.

Complete copies of the most recent title commitment, the current record description of the property to be surveyed, record easements benefiting the property or servitudes and covenants burdening the property, or any other documents containing desired information affecting the property being surveyed, shall be provided to the surveyor for use in conducting the survey. Lenders, insurers, and clients are reliant on surveyors to prepare associated plats or maps that are of professional quality and appropriately uniform, complete and accurate.

Topographic Surveys

A topographic survey includes the delineation of vertical locations on the existing natural or man-made features of a portion of the earth's surface. The client or agent shall furnish the surveyor with a specific description of the site. JADE Hanna Surveyors will consult with local governmental organizations to determine datum, elevation benchmarks, and their requirements. The purpose for this service is to provide a base map for an engineering or architectural design, especially for a residence, building, roadway, sewer, or other infrastructure improvement.

Elevation Certificates

An elevation certificate is used to provide elevation information necessary to determine the proper insurance premium rate, to ensure compliance with community floodplain ordinances, or request a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA). JADE Hanna Surveyors provides valuable insight to clients developing near a floodplain. We understand how grading can affect your insurance rates and have knowledge about the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) for your area.

Subdivision Surveys

A subdivision survey is a split of a tract of land into smaller parcels. It is primarily governed by the Plat Act (765 ILCS 205), but there are many municipal regulations that might influence design. JADE Hanna Surveyors is familiar with local officials and ordinances affecting your project.